What's Hiding in Your Closet?
A year ago, I prepared to sell my condo. There were many details that demanded my attention in the selling process such as: selecting a realtor, advertising, open houses, preparing my house and the dreaded appointments for viewing of the property.
I thought I had prepared everything to perfection, until I received a call from my realtor that three different groups were coming to look at my condo...that very day. All of a sudden, I realized things were not as prepared as I had thought. I opened the cupboard doors, kitchen drawers and bedroom closets and realized there was a lot of junk hidden behind the doors and drawers of my clean home.
That was when I realized that I had only surface cleaned my condo. At first glance, things look amazing, but behind the doors and in the drawers lurked clutter and junk. Things may have been out of sight but the mess was still there.
You may identify with this simple story too. Your house may seem clean, but hidden junk lurks behind closet doors.
This little story reminds me of another hidden place, where junk can get shoved out of sight. That place is the human heart.
As Christians, we know the heart is the home of the soul. We may think our lives look amazing, and to the person looking at the outside, they do. But Jesus looks at the whole package. He sees the hidden stuff behind the closed doors.
David said in Psalms 51:10, "Create in me a clean heart, O God and renew a steadfast Spirit within me."
That is my prayer, "Lord, reveal the junk that is hidden away in my heart. Forgive me for the wrong I've done and create in me a clean heart. Remove all the things that I've pushed deep into hiding and replace them with a refreshing of your Spirit within me. Thank you, Lord Jesus."
Now...what's hiding in your closet?