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Dependence On God

Sunday, February 5th will be cemented in my mind for the rest of my life. That is the day I lost my little sister. There are things that I remember so vividly. The drive to the hospital, sobbing in the car when I got the call that she was gone, my family standing outside her room in the hospital with anguish stamped on their faces. It just took us all by surprise. We were in absolute shock. But God wasn’t shocked at all.

God knew exactly what that day would look like. Nothing takes God by surprise. So often we fall into the trap of thinking that we are in control of our lives, that nothing will happen to us that we’re not prepared for. Over and over, however, life teaches us that is not the case. Things that are unexpected, and sometimes tragic, come out of the blue. It is during these times that our faith is tested.

I can tell you that God has proved his faithfulness in hundreds of different ways both to me and my family. He has shown it through cards, donations, dinners, flowers, text messages, Facebook posts, shared memories, and especially hugs. Through this experience, I have not wavered in my faith in God. I am not claiming that as an achievement, but to admit my full and complete dependence on God to get me through this time. Things are going to happen to you that you were not expecting, and when those times come, you will have a choice.

Do you give in to the darkness that tries to pull you down, or do you cling to your Savior with everything you have left? I honestly do not know how non-Christians get through times like this. But there are two things that I am sure of: that my God is my rock and that I will rejoice in the day I get to see my sister once again.

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