Navigating the call as a Pastor to God’s people is unique. The demands of organizational leadership, staff development, expectation management, finances, and relational turmoil are just a few of the parts of the pastor’s portfolio that may seem overwhelming. These things are hardly unnecessary; pastors and Church leaders are called to oversee the life of the church in all its forms. Still, we must be reminded of why we are in the ministry in the first place: To nourish and guide the spiritual lives of the people God has entrusted to our care.
On November 14th, we will be hosting our second annual “Spiritual Church Conference”. The purpose of this conference is to dedicate time to focus on some of the essentials of pastoral ministry. It is our hope that this conference will be an encouragement to you as you endeavor to be faithful to your pastoral calling. We want to invite you, your staff, and anyone else at your church that you think would benefit from this day to be a part of this conference with us and would be honored if you would attend.
Thursday, November 14
9am - 3pm
New Life Christian Fellowship - Grand Blanc
2237 East Reid Road
Grand Blanc, MI 48439

Tim Pike
Lead Pastor at
New Life Christian Fellowship in Grand Blanc, MI

Tom Mattiuzzo
Co-Lead Pastor at
Every Nation Church in
Flint, Michigan

Henrik Lidman
Lead Pastor at
Prayer and Praise Assembly of God in Ludington, Michigan
9:00am - 9:30am - Registration | Coffee & Continental Breakfast
9:30am - Welcome
9:35am - Call to Worship
9:45am - 10:30am - Session 1 | Stewarding the Presence of God
10:30am - 10:45am - Break
10:45am - 11:30am - Session 2 | Walking with the wounded
11:45am - 12:50pm - Lunch
12:50pm - 1:00pm - Call to Worship
1:00pm - 1:45pm - Break out groups with discussion and questions.
1:45pm - 2:00pm - Cookies & Coffee
2:15pm - 3:00pm - Session 3 | The heart of Gospel preaching

Session 1
Stewarding the Presence of God
For most of us, Sunday morning services are the bread and butter of our church. Because of this, there can be a pressure to conform them to the expectations of our congregants. In this session we will discuss the importance of recognizing and honoring the presence of God in our weekly gatherings. More specifically, we will think about how we can make sure that our services are not too programmatic and leave space for the movement of the Spirit in the lives of our people.
Speaker: Pastor Henrik Lidman

Session 2
Walking With the Wounded
We all know how easy it can be for our weeks to be consumed with church related tasks and obligations. Sometimes, God forbid, the difficult circumstances we are called to attend to in people’s lives can even feel like an inconvenience! In this session we will be reminded that our people come before our programs. Special emphasis will be placed on the pastoral art of walking with people through times of grief and loss.
Speaker: Pastor Tom Matiuzzo

Session 3
The Heart of Gospel Preaching
It is possible that the most peculiar part of a Pastor’s vocation is that they give a talk on the Bible every week. What can we say that hasn’t already been said? In fact, trying to say what hasn’t already been said is the surest way to know you are saying something that probably isn’t true! In this session we will discuss the importance of our preaching and how we can be more than “Bible explainers”. This session will be collaborative so viewpoints on this matter are welcome.​
Speaker: Pastor Tim Pike
Registration Costs
$5/person with registered group of 3 or more
$0/Students ​